A Side Note

My wife Kim has been texting her Uncle who lives in Alabama and she says the messages flow faster from Central Turkey than they do from the S.F. Bay Area. Now that is sad, ATT.

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What Will The Future Hold?

We went “off schedule” a little today, meaning we visited places that were not on our original schedule. So I heard the names but I will not try to spell them out, would not be prudent…

The first stop I do know and that was the Göreme Valley Open Air Museum a UNESCO Heritage site. This valley served as a refuge and meditation place for early Christians, later it became a place of education using pictures such as Icons and murals as a way to pass along knowledge since there was not a good common language yet that all could agree to for various reasons. There were churches, residences, dinning halls. Unfortunately photography was not allowed in the churches (sorry), click here to see a UNESCO link.

The next stop was a place reminiscent of Utah and the formations one can see there. This was one of the names I missed, see the pictures below to get an idea.

After lunch we visited Gallery Cappadocia, a rug making cooperative helping teach woman new skills that they may not be able to gain with a traditional upbringing in the area. Along with helping the women and their families the skills learned here are certified by the government thus raising the count of skilled labor the country can claim in talking to the EU. Next was a stop at the Firça Ceramics Factory which has been run by the same family (in a cave yet, a nice one though) for over 200 years. Interesting to see the hand made ceramics in their various stages from forming to painting. They gave Sydney a chance at a foot spun pottery wheel which she loved and wants to try at home, or so she claims.

One final stop after all that was a scenic overlook watching the sun set in a town filled with the homes typical in the area, sorry this was the other name I missed. What was interesting and kind of sad is that the homes in this town (and in fact all over the area) are being bought up by developers and being converted into boutique hotels, restaurants and the like. Good for (tourist based) jobs but the locals are leaving homes that have been in their families for generations. It will be interesting to see how Cappadocia changes over the next decade.

Göreme Valley Open Air Museum

Karabaş Kilisesi (Black Head Church) at Göreme Valley Open Air Museum

A closer view of the outside of Karabaş Kilisesi.

Like Utah....

Syd takes a hike

Sydney working on a rug

Silk spinning at Gallery Cappadocia

Syd takes a turn at the wheel

Sun setting over Uçhisar

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