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So, where did we leave off….

Kim and I spent the last night in Istanbul drinking wine on the porch and watching ships in the Bosporus. Ships of all sizes seemed to be on the move at all times, we especially liked it when the large container ships came by due the resulting low rumble that would run through the hotel. Quite the sight.

Developed a taste for Ouzo on ice on this trip. Tried the Turkish version, Raki and did not like it. Of course I was iffy on Ouzo the first time we went to Greece so maybe I will need a second trip to Turkey to like Raki…

Time to come home, again a (very) fast flight. This particular return was made easier with the help of Kim’s manager who helped get us bumped up a class for the long leg home. Thank Bridget!

A complex and interesting journey, with ten flight legs and five different airlines there was plenty of opportunity for things to go wrong however all came off like clockwork. Our thanks again to Nancy and Ladera Travel for helping arrange this trip and the suggestions they gave to make it a very enjoyable and surprising journey. Thanks Nancy!

Ice flows near the mouth of Hudson's Bay

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